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Beauty of Junk Mails and Newspapers.

Junk paper Art It’s hard to imagine that few junk mails and news paper on your post box can be used to create real art. Art is something that has creativity and reflects the emotion or rays of thoughts. I am not the student of Art and I don’t have the proper definition of Art. There have been many arguments about, what should art be like? I believe, Art is something that you create and has some emotional values, sentiments and test on it. Let’s not talk much about the art, I don’t want to spoil your artistic knowledge here.

Recently I got a chance to visit an expo called “The 2009 Living Green Expo” at Minnesota State Fair. In truth, it was not the art exhibition; it was about the environment and the green technology. The main dictum of the expo was to raise local people consciousness about the environment changes, its influence and recommend people to use the green products. There were more than 200 stalls. I was amazed to see one of the stall owned by a Nepali Family,(Raju Lamichhane & Family) there. The stall was titled as "The Beauty Of Junk Mails and News Papers". As the title says, the stall was full of beauties, beauties created by beautiful mind with creative ideas. I am putting some of the arts that were on display .

I have posted some of the pictures I took during my visit at the EXPO ! I hope you will enjoy them. Click on the corresponding picture if you want to view in high resolution. All the Art were designed and created by Raju Lamichanne and his family ! None of the following arts are paint!

Junk paper Art
1. Fuchhe Ganesh

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Junk paper Art

Following are the Arts from Onion Peals, Its amazing, really amazing ! I should say a wonderful creation,

Junk paper Art
14. US President Obama

Junk paper Art
15. Mother and her son

And finally have some taste of a woman from onion world,

Junk paper Art
16. Woman from Onion World

Last but not the least, the man with the creative mind behind this arts, Mr Raju Lamichhane ,

Junk paper Art

If you like to purchase any of the above arts , please write to or contact directly to the artist Raju Lamichhane at . Please make an offer. The original price for the above Arts range from $20.00 to $800.00. All of the above arts come with a beautiful frame.

Thank you for your visit @ .

Art By: Raju Lamichhane
Photograph By : sapanasansar
If you want to republish the above pictures, dont't forget to have a permission from or the artist.
© 2009


  1. It is a good thing that you are promoting it. I appreciate your work, the little things that you do to bring some kind of positive change, even if you notice it or not.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. What a wonderful work!!!! Raju, I really impressed with your art works. Keep it up. Thanks for posting.

  3. Congratulations for those wonderful creations! We are proud of you and keep it up!!

  4. Nice work of art!!!


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तपाईको प्रतिकृया प्रकाशन हुन केहि समय लाग्ने छ।

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