Esther Benjamins was an eminent judge with a prevailing sense of duty to protect vulnerable children. She took her own life in January 1999, citing childlessness in a single-line suicide note explaining her reasons to her husband Philip Holmes.
Philip resolved that something positive should come from the tragedy and decided to honour Esther’s memory by forming a children’s charity bearing her name to perpetuate her values and offer hope to vulnerable children.
Why Nepal :
Nepal was an obvious area of focus for the Trust, a country that had always been close to Esther and Philip’s hearts while the couple lived and worked alongside many Gurkha families during Philip’s successful career as a Dental Officer in the British Army.
Esther expressed a keen desire to visit the country and find ways to transform the lives of the most innocent victims of its chronic poverty - its children. While she never realised those dreams in her lifetime, The Esther Benjamins Trust is dedicated to achieving them in her memory.
EBMF Presence in Nepal
There are two NGOs that work directly under the trust EBT, they are NCWF(Located in Bhairawa), and EBMF. EBMF (Esther Benjamins Memorial Foundation), is the one that is located in Godhawari. There are about 105 children under its care. The children are anywhere from 13 month to 22 years of age. They all go to school. The organization makes sure that they get the basic needs, such has housing, food, cloth and schooling. EBMF takes good care of the children as they are provided with other extracurricular activities as well. The children can choose a range of activities to take part in, such as gymnastic, scout, international award and even music and dancing classes.
Some of the children are outstanding performer. They have got gold medal in National gymnastic competition.
Most of the children were rescued from Indian Circuses. But there are some who came from, jail, streets and poor family background. From out data base we have found that almost 90% of our children have got step parents. We see that as a reason as to why they have landed in such a situation.
What You Can Do
Sponsor a child
It costs £45 per month to to meet the full needs of one child in our compassionate residential refuges. That covers everything from a roof above their head to clothes, from a good education to a programme of stimulating social activities.
Through child sponsorship, you can help us to meet the cost of providing this long-term support.
There are currently over 40 children with no sponsor at all – if you would like to play a direct role in helping just one of them to rebuild their life, please contact nadia.kamel@ebtrust.org.uk | 020 7600 5654.
•Full Sponsorship of £45 per month would cover the full care plan for one named child.
•General Sponsorship at just £25 per month covers the daily care of a named child – food, accommodation, clothing, medical care and local support staff wages.
•Education Sponsorship in the form of a donation of £15 per month meets education costs – including school uniforms, exercise books and a contribution towards the school bus which takes each child to school. It also enables us to utilise personal tutors to work with children who need a little extra help in their studies.
•Recreation Sponsorship at £5 per month is designed purely to broaden the range of stimulating activities on offer to the children. This could contribute to a camping expedition, a trip to the cinema or even pay for a dance tutor.
100% of your monthly donation goes directly to the care of the child you are sponsoring in Nepal. EBT's administrative costs are met by unrestricted donations, and from tax they recover through Gift Aid.
For more information about the organization, visit : http://www.ebtrust.org.uk/index.php
For the pictures of the Nepalese Children who were rescued, please visit Philip's PhotoStream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipinnepal
Donate Esther Benjamins Trust through http://www.justgiving.com/Philip50th
Dikshya Dhital has her hands on this article
Source : http://www.ebtrust.org.uk/
Picture By : sapansansar

Good work ! Thank you for choosing Nepal !
ReplyDeletegood job! very impressive