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Educate a Nepali Child: A Fund Raising Event Organized in Minneapolis,MN

Sailendra Bhattarai,
MN 07/22/2012

See the link from Past year event:

As young working professionals living in Minneapolis, we often get together with friends and family on weekends at bars and clubs to Socialize. But how often does one get the opportunity to educate impoverish children? But in this time , that is exactly what happened in Hell’s Kitchen. We raised money for kids in Nepal for their education and had fun doing it. There was a great sense of satisfaction that none of us had ever felt before.

On July 22nd , 2012, ANMN organized a fundraising event to provide academic scholarships to underprivileged children. The event was part of ‘Project Eocene’. The project aims to provide children in indigenous and impoverished communities an opportunity to make their lives better and help children break free from the generational cycle of poverty.

The theme of the event was “Start your journey to heaven at Hell’s Kitchen!!” as the event was organized at Hell’s Kitchen - a local bar. The crowd was entertained with performances by SitarTabla | Twin Cities, few songs in her sweet voice by Nisha Devkota, and Jyoti Karki singing songs with her Ukulele all with one common goal - to raise funds to send 25 kids in Nepal to school. The local businesses and community members had donated awesome items for silent auction. The crowd was also entertained with a game of Bingo and Dj Sugam and Dj Nox tunes.

A lot of Minnesotans (“should we call them as Minne-snow-tans”) gathered in the pretty packed bar. The participants socialized and were into, flyers, brochures, playing Bingo, dancing, taking part in Auction– all of the proceeds went to the scholarship fund.

By the end of the program, Pujan Pant was crowned the highest Donor of the night. Overall, there were more than 60 people who stopped by helping to raise more than two thousand dollars making the event a huge success.
As young working professionals living in Minneapolis, we often get together with friends and family on weekends at Bars and clubs and socialize. But this time around there was a great sense of satisfaction that none of us had ever felt before. How often can we do something that is fun as well as help the unprivileged? How often does one get the opportunity to help in education of children?

Note: If you were unable to attend but would still like to help the project then click on the link below and then click the Donate button!!

To read more about the project visit
[यो प्रस्तुति कतै पुन प्रकाशित गर्नु परेमा स्रोत खुलाएर वा लेखकको पूर्ण सहमतिमा मात्र प्रकाशित गर्नुहुन अनुरोध छ । -सपनासंसार ]


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